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Find easily a hotel close to Limoges Airport

With our partner Aéroport Voyages and its search engine, in just a few clicks find and book your hotel close to the airport. Choose your destination, arrival and departure dates, and a list of hotels close to the airport will appear automatically. Select safety in a few clicks your perfect hotel departing from or upon arrival to Limoges Airport.

Book a hotel just a step away from Limoges Airport or anywhere in the world

A early morning flight? You can book a hotel close to the departure/arrival airport accessible on foot or by taxi. In Limoges, you can choose between several hotels close the airport. You can book for example a room at the Citotel Les Alizés accessible on foot, or rent a room at la Chapelle Saint Martin Relais et Châteaux located at 5 minutes drivefrom Limoges Airport.

Aéroports Voyages, a secure and efficient booking service

Thanks to our booking engine, you can also book a flight (More information about Limoges departure flights), a flight + hotel and a car rental at a very competitive price. Collaborating with the largest European booking platforms and partner of fifteen airports, Aéroports-Voyages is the specialist for online bookings. Book with our service and receive by mail all the information useful to your stay. For more information on our



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